Climate change is the biggest environmental challenge of our time. Global warming has already significant ecological impacts with major social and economic consequences. Primary sectors in New Zealand are increasingly looking at how climate change could affects them. The AgriBusiness Group has been helping sectors to understand their climate change impacts through measuring emissions, with the kiwifruit industry being the latest example.
Read MoreWhat effect does irrigation have on the long-term water holding capacity of your soils? Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research recently led a Sustainable Farming Fund project that studied the relation of irrigation and soil quality. Sarah from AgriBusiness Group was involved in the extension of the project, organising an event for journalists to learn about the recent scientific findings and their significance for farmers.
Read MoreCharlotte Irving summarises the economic outlook for the New Zealand primary sectors over the next year, drawing from the ANZ Research Agri-Focus ‘Difficult Road Ahead’ and the MPI Economic Update of the Primary Industries.
Read MoreThe global pandemic has become an excellent opportunity to highlight New Zealand's commitment to good quality produce with a high environmental standard. Stuart Ford's think piece about new digital proof requirements that can accelerate our economic advantage.
Read MoreDrone technology has been used for military or intelligence services for decades. In recent years, corporations have started to discover them as a more economical alternative to fixed-wing and helicopters, as has the agriculture industry. The AgriBusiness Group have recognised the value that drones can add to our line of work within our consultancy and research teams and for our clients.
Read MoreThe last weeks have been an unexpected ride full of surprises and constant change as we raced to get some of our staff home before border closures, kept up with the constant flow of new information and requirements while figuring out how to keep the team working during self-isolation. Our Covid 19 update.
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