Supporting agricultural development
The AgriBusiness Group has been working on development projects in the Pacific Islands since its inception. Through this work the company has developed strong relationships with Pacific people and organisations and developed a good understanding of development needs and strategies that achieve impact. Recent projects have included the following activities which have all been supported through a close working relationship with the Pacific Community (SPC). The SPC was founded in 1947 and is an international development organisation owned and governed by its 26 country and territory members.
Jon Manhire in Marshall Islands visiting farms with Nileshni Devi from SPC
Facilitation of the development of the Vanuatu and Fiji Organic Policies
In 2017, The AgriBusiness Group facilitated the development of the Vanuatu Ministry of Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Biosecurity – Policy for Organic Agriculture. This policy has been subsequently launched by the Government. Between late 2018 and February 2019 The AgriBusiness Group also facilitated the development of a policy for the development of the organic sector in Fiji. This draft policy links with a number of Fiji Government Departments including the Fiji Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) and the Fiji Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry (MITT). Both policies highlight the value of organic farming in addressing human and environmental health issues as well as enabling access to high value markets.
Interim project management of the Building Prosperity for Women Producers, Processors and Women Owned Businesses project (BPWP)
This project was established between the Pacific Community/Pacific Organic and Ethical Trade Community (POETCom) and the Australian Government – Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development programme. The overall goal of the project is that women will have access to sustainable livelihoods through participation in organic value chains. The project is initially working in the Republic of Marshall Islands and Palau with later activity planned for Kiribati and the Federated States of Micronesia. The AgriBusiness Group supported the establishment of the project before fulltime staff could be recruited to manage it.
A traditional taro grower in Palau. Taro are traditionally grown by women in Palau.
Facilitating the development of an application for a Green Climate funded project on regenerative organic agriculture
Jon Manhire has been contracted by the SPC as the lead consultant to develop a Concept Note (the first stage of project development for Green Climate Fund projects) that has a focus on the conversion of important Pacific crops to organic regenerative agriculture. It is planned that the project will operate in Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu and look to both the reduction of greenhouse gases as well as to support the adaptation of commercial crop production systems to manage the impacts of climate change. This project targets an area of critical concern for the Pacific who identify climate change as the most significant threat to their future.
Further information