How to equip thousands of widely dispersed farmers across the Peruvian Andes with the knowledge of how to apply good dairy farming practices and improve their families’ livelihoods? By training a small number of farmers to become extension agents in their local area. At the start, the New Zealand Peru Dairy Support project encountered many difficulties by employing state-run Research & Extension professionals. Since then, local smallholder farmers have been taking on the role as an extension agent instead, and three years down the track, the project is starting to see excellent outcomes with good prospects for the future.
Read MoreThe AgriBusiness Group has been working on development projects in the Pacific Islands since its inception. Through this work the company has developed strong relationships with Pacific people and organisations and developed a good understanding of development needs and strategies that achieve impact.
Read MoreThe Myanmar Dairy Excellence Project is empowering Myanmar dairy farmers and their families by promoting good farming practices. Follow along Shaun Snoxell, the Dairy Advisor of the project, for an ordinary day at work alongside Myanmar farmers and find out how small changes to traditional methods can substantially improve farm profits and the wellbeing of the community, the animals and the environment.
Read MoreThe pilot farms of the Colombia Dairy Value Chain Project have shown substantial increase in their farm profitability by adopting new farming practices. The project has developed short, instructive videos and ten Good Practice Guides to share the knowledge and success among more dairy farmers in the high altitude tropical zone in Colombia.
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